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Trans Day of Remembrance

The Transgender Day of Remembrance is almost here. November 20th is an important day to take time to reflect on the harm done to transgender people in our cisnormative culture. Even in queer circles it too often feels like trans issues get sort of tacked on at the end.

In Victoria, there has usually been some kind of vigil. Someone speaks. People say the names of the trans men and women and genderqueers that have been killed. So far I haven’t heard if there is a vigil happening. I hope there is. If you know of one being organized do let us know.

Wednesday the 21st

One event that I know is happening is on Wednesday the 21st, 7pm, at Cinecenta:

Commemorating the 14th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance and in celebration of the Transgender Archives at UVic, UVic Libraries and Cinecenta are proud to present award-winning documentary, TRANS, a documentary feature about men and women, and all the variations in between.

Following the showing there will be ample time for questions and answers with Gail Knudson, Founding President of the Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health, A PFLAG parent of a local trans person, Academic Director of the Transgender Archives Dr. Aaron Devor, and University Archivist Lara Wilson.

Thursday the 22nd

There is another movie the following night: Genderfellator with Tobi Hill-Meyer, Thursday, November 22nd.

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