Meet the Pink Pages team

Jakelene Plan

Jakelene Plan is a writer currently living in Victoria, BC. She previously worked for Caitlin Press to help launch Dagger Editions, Canada’s first queer women imprint. In recognition for her work, Jakelene received both the Grant MacEwan Creative Writing Scholarship and the Candis Graham Lambda Literary Scholarship in 2016. She is the lead editor for Pink Pages Magazine and is currently at work on her first full-length play. Jakelene can be found on Twitter at @JakelenePlan.

Rebecca Cory

Rebecca is the program coordinator of University 101 at UVic. She is also a partner in Pink Sheep Media where she also gets to use her facilitation and research skills. She has a passion for accessible education, understanding power and privilege, and gender theory. Graduating from UVic with an M.A. in Adult Education and Community Leadership she dreams occasionally of writing a popular non-fiction book on whiteness and anti-racist practices.