Communities, connections, resources

The Victoria Pink Pages is a way for LGBTQ communities in Victoria to connect with organizations that are openly safe and welcoming, find products and services that meet our communities’ needs and interests, support businesses and community organization that are owned or run by LGBTQ folks.

Who is this site for?

The Victoria Pink Pages is for everyone who wants to use it. If you feel like this site is for you, then it is!

More specifically, this site is for folks who describe themselves as (in no particular order) lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, transgender, transsexual, two spirit, asexual, intersex, genderqueer, questioning, pansexual, kinky, polyamorous or anything else in that spirit. This site is also for children, parents, partners, ex-partners & friends of these folks, no matter their own gender identities or sexual orientation.

We use LGBTQ, LGBTTIAQQ, and queer/trans throughout the site to attempt to represent some of this gender and sexual diversity. We believe that there are no perfect terms for these communities, but we aspire to represent the range of experiences by using a variety of terms. Please feel free to use the language you are most comfortable with in your listings.

We also realize it is overly simplistic to think that we are all part of one “community” — when in fact we are part of many overlapping and intersecting circles of friends, family, lovers, professional networks and political, religious or community groups, to name a few.

How can I support the Pink Pages?

If you are a business that makes money, we encourage you donate. It helps us immensely when you support the work that we do.

If you find this site useful and you’d like to contribute, you can donate to the Pink Pages using the forthcoming button. Thank you in advance for your support!!

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