Help & support
How do I register?
You can register by signing up for an account at our Register page. Just fill in the form and check the “I’m not a robot” box and click “Register”. When you fill in this form, we review your account and you’ll get an email confirmation from us.
How do I sign in?
You can sign in at our Login page.
How do I reset my password?
You can reset your password by visiting the Login page and clicking on “Forgot your password?”
How do I claim an existing listing?
If your business or organization already has a listing on the Pink Pages, you can claim your listing in order to be able to edit it. Just get in touch and let us know who you are, what your email is, and how we can call you by phone and we’ll make sure you get sorted.
How do I create a new listing?
- The first step is to register for a account. If you already have a username and password, then sign in.
- Once you have signed in, look for the NEW LISTING button.
- You can find the NEW LISTING button by visiting your account page, or by visiting the Dashboard.
- Once you’ve started making a new listing, fill out all the parts of your listing:
- Title of your listing or name of your business or organization
- Website URL so that people can find you
- Write a short excerpt about your organization (140 character limit)
- Write your listing: be descriptive and explain what you do and who you are: you can upload an image
- Add as many tags as you want
- Add a single category
- Add a feature image
- Pretty much everything on this page is optional but the more complete your listing is, the better. We would also encourage you to include what it is specifically about your business that makes it LGBTQ+ friendly!
If you have any difficulties, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
How do I edit my listing?
- Sign in and visit your profile.
- You will see your listings at the bottom of your profile.
- Click on the listing you want to edit.
- Once on your listing, you will see a big pink EDIT MY LISTING button.
I’ve tried everything on this page. Please help.
We apologize if you’ve been having a tricky time lately. We’re in the middle of some more upgrades and if you just want to contact a human and get help with your listing, don’t hesitate to email info [at] victoriapinkpages [dot] ca.