
Via UVIC pride office
Victoria, BC
Contact: (250) 472-4393

BiVictoria is a peer-run support and social group. We offer a safe space to bisexuals, questioning and to all genders and orientations. BiVictoria has monthly support meeting on the 1st Tuesday of every month. Social Nights will be held periodically. Our meetings are held in room #B023 of the Student Union Building (SUB) at UVIC (Downstairs).
Type: Serves everyone, primarily bisexuals as well as the GLBT communities
Primary Clientele: Bisexual Men & Women, questioning, friends & supporters
Meets: Support group 1st Tuesday each month, 7pm in the SUB room B023 at UVIC. E-mail or check the website to confirm date and time. Special events posted on website.
Handicap Access: Accessible premises & lavatory