Gender-based violence is an umbrella term for for any harmful act perpetrated against someone that is based on socially-ascribed gender “norms” or expectations based on what it means to be a “boy”, “girl”, “man” or “woman” or Two-Spirited, transgender, or gender-queer person or, someone who does not feel that they fit within definitions like “man” or “woman”. All other parts of a person’s identity or how someone is viewed, such as age, class, race, ability, geographic location, sexual orientation and status, intersect and influence how gender-based violence is experienced and committed.
Examples of gender-based violence include: sexualized violence, sexual assault, transphobic violence, homophobic violence, street harassment and intimate partner violence.
We offer support services that strive to acknowledge all of the complexities of gender-based violence in a confidential and person-focused setting, to people of all genders who have experienced gender-based violence themselves, are supporting someone who has and to people who have committed harm and seek to change their actions.
You can access services, whether or not you have immigration status. We believe in access without fear and so will never ask your immigration/documentation status.
We have staff and a team of volunteers who are trained to provide emotional support and to connect people with relevant resources, including advocacy, community, counselling, health and/or legal resources.
We provide information, resources, and referrals ; we also have a lending library available to anyone who is looking for resources about gender-based violence. We also provide free safer sex supplies in our office.
We offer a range of workshops and presentations and collaborate and partner with numerous events and campaigns throughout the year.
Each year we do a 50-hour volunteer training for anyone interested in being part of the Anti.Violence.Project team.
We strive to provide anti-oppressive and sex-positive services, advocacy and action on-campus and off, in partnership and collaboration, in order to address and resist gender-based and all forms of violence.