Event Round-up: October 29 to November 4, 2017
It’s Halloween – or rather, Halloweek – and Victoria is ready to celebrate. There’s a wonderful variety of spooky and fun events around town, but there’s also a few events that deserve an extra shoutout.
Monday, October 30
- The University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) is hosting a UVic Pride Halloween Dinner and Movie Night – they’re showing Hocus Pocus and having a potluck! Bring your snacks, blankets, and friends for a night of Halloween fun.
Tuesday, October 31
- Can’t make it to the live performance of The Rocky Horror Show? Maybe you want to just do the time warp again? The Vic Theatre is showing The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween at 7pm and 9:30pm – tickets are $15 and come with a props bag. Both shows are 19+.

- If you think you want to do a little more dancing, Capitol Ballroom is hosting HOMOween alongside the House of Gabor! Featuring music by DJ Nims, performances by Gouda Gabor and Lola Maneata, and a special guest appearance from Griffin Lee (AKA Dr. Frank ‘N Furter from Atomic Vaudeville’s The Rocky Horror Show LIVE), this night will be a blast. Don’t forget to dress up for the costume contest! This event is 19+.
Wednesday, November 1
- Presented by AIDS Vancouver Island, Queerabilities is a meet-up group for queer-identified individual with disabilities. They meet at the Central Branch of the Greater Victoria Library from 5 – 6:30pm in the second floor meeting room. As a drop-in event with limited space admission is first come, first served.
Friday, November 3
- UVic`s This Side of West editorial team is hosting a reading at Deluge Art Gallery to promote some of their own work, and to get the rest of us pumped for this years’ iteration of the journal! Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door; doors will open at 7pm. (Pink Pages’ own Leslie Ahenda is reading – take the time to check out her stuff!)
Saturday, November 4
- Delicious Seniors Cooking is an on-going meal planning and cooking series hosted by the Victoria Lesbian Senior Care Society – don’t worry, they encourage LGBTQ+ individuals of all ages to participate. In a two-part meet-up, you spend two hours menu planning on Saturday November 4th, and then take three hours on November 15th to cook what you planned out. Check out their website for registration information and more details.
Have we missed anything this week? Should we be promoting a queer event happening in our community? Leave a comment down below or send us a message via social media – we’re always on the lookout for events and happenings around town.